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Occupational Physiotherapy Services for Business

Clinical Physiotherapy Services (Treatment & Advice Clinics) have been shown to provide a ROI of £2 - £3 for every £1 spent.

Preventative measures such as PhysiCare’s MSD avoidance workshops have produced much higher ROI, in the order of £38 for every £1 spent.

PhysiCare has learned from this experience that the model of service delivery requires being flexible to conform to client needs, budgetary constraints and geographical spread of employees. As such, PhysiCare’s OH Physiotherapy clinical services can be provided either:

  • On-site within Client premises
  • Off-site at our premises
  • Using our approved provider network clinics, or;
  • A combination of the above

Onsite Services at your premises

PhysiCare offer a professional and fully managed on-site service to treat any musculoskeletal disorders and problems. Services include assessment of employees’ fitness for work, assessment/treatment of employees and advice on redeployment or rehabilitation after illness or injury. Employees won’t have to travel to and from external clinics and we can help prevent recurrence of problems, by having first hand knowledge of the workplace. PhysiCare can offer both a preventative as well as a reactionary clinical service. We will work in conjunction with your organisation to identify the services required. Once the services have been agreed it will be the responsibility of PhysiCare to ensure the services are delivered to a high standard and within a given timescale.

A holistic programme could consist of:

  • An initial site visit to provide you with a manual handling risk assessment and for our physios to understand issues of employees for treatment and training.
  • A Back Care seminar for those employees with a back problem/injury, which is impairing or preventing attendance or performance at work. The seminar would cover Legislation and Risk Assessment, Spinal Anatomy, Components of the Spine, Deep Back Muscles, Specific applications (will vary for each group depending on their job), Levers and the Spine, Spinal Stress when sitting and Tips to ease Spinal Stress
  • Training - tailored manual handling courses
  • Weekly assessment/treatment clinics
  • Regular health promotions - posters and handouts
  • Workplace ergonomic assessments as required

Statistical reports

All individual clinical areas can be covered to give each business division a complete and concise quarterly report on the attendees at each of the Physiotherapy clinic. PhysiCare staff can generate tailored reports disclosing all the requested information without breaching medical confidentiality to HR Managers using special software packages developed by PhysiCare.